Borough Councillor for Mellor
Ward - Mellor, Ribble Valley
Executive Committee - Fundraising Co-ordinator
Stella Brunskill is a resident of Mellor Brook and has been elected councillor for Mellor and Mellor Brook since 2007. Currently she deputy Mayor of Ribble Valley Borough and will be Mayor from May 2019. Stella is a member of the Council Licensing Committee, Vice Chairman of Health and Housing committee, Chairman of the Strategic Housing Group. RVBC Children’s Champion, serving on the Children’s Partnership Board and Scrutiny at Lancashire County Council Stella serves on the BAE Community Panel reporting to Mellor Parish and Ribble Valley Council and is Councillor on both Mellor and Balderstone Parish Councils.
Stella has a major interest in housing and recognises the need for the 5 year review of the Ribble Valley Development Plan to address housing numbers and improve infrastructure. She recently called a meeting in Mellor to gauge the publics views on house building in Mellor and addressed by the Planning Chairman who explained the process.