Nigel criticises Labour's Tax on Independent Schools

Keir Starmer as Prime Minister plans to introduce a 20% VAT tax on private schools.


This is policy threatening to have wide reaching, negative implications on our entire education sector.


Education unions have already voiced their concerns on this policy over the implications on the already under pressure state education system, along with the threat of job losses in independent schools.


Speaking on this, Nigel Evans said:


“Keir Starmer’s policy to introduce VAT on independent schools is not the way forward, it will damage both the state and independent sector.


“Taxing private schools will lead to increased pressure on our state education system. As independent schools will have no choice but to hike their prices, more and more families will have to shift to sending their children to state schools.


“An article by the Guardian has criticised Starmer’s plans, outlining that a child who opts out of the private system to avoid about £3,000 of VAT will then cost about £8000 in taxpayer money annually to fund their state education. For every child in this situation, further and further pressure will be placed on the state education system unnecessarily.


“Another consequence of this policy is the threat to bursaries. Stonyhurst, a highly successful independent school within the Ribble Valley, offer bursaries based purely on merit up to the value of 100% to ensure any young person, regardless of their background or financial circumstances has the opportunity to attend this school.


“Bursary programmes like this which exist in independent schools all-over the country are under threat with Labour’s policy to introduce VAT. As independent schools face hiking their prices, the fear is that many will have no option but to remove bursary opportunities. Taking away the chance for any child to attend an independent school, regardless of their financial background and circumstances.


“Labour should axe this tax policy now before it does further damage.”



Promoted by David Berryman, Campaign Organiser and Agent on behalf of Ribble Valley Conservatives, both at 9 Railway View Avenue, Clitheroe, Lancashire BB7 2HA